
10 Years Complicated!!

I'm feeling really old right now. 10 years ago Avril Lavigne released her first single Complicated. And I was a fan from that day on. YES I LIKE AVRIL LAVIGNE. And I'm not ashamed of it! 
Complicated was the first single and Let Go the first album I bought.

I remember sitting in front of my dad's tv (he was the only one with MTV at that time) and watching the music video of Complicated for the first time. A few days later I asked my mother to buy the single for me and she did. :)

Sooo Happy Birthday Complicated !! :)

See you in the showers, 



We had a free period today, so some of my class mates and I sat down in the sun and had a talk. Somewhen a girl from my class started talking about side / undercuts and how horrible and ugly they are. And then all the others agreed. Except of me. I didn't say anything. In their opinion a Side/ Undercut is a very ugly thing.

Well, I just sat there, grinning and wondering how they would talk about it if they knew that I'm thinking about getting one. xD 

Even one of my best frieds talked bad about it. But that's ok. It's their opinion. And I respect other people's opinions. 
I just wonder if they respected mine too, when I'd tell them that I think Side & Undercuts look great. 
I don't think they would.....


I'll watch the first two episodes of The Walking Dead tonight. :)
I'm pretty excited 'cause I heard a lot of people saying it's a great show. 
Can't wait to see it. ;D 

See you in the showers, 


Wake The Dogs!

You've got 7 minutes left? 
Then check out this german band, called Donots:

I bought their new album Wake The Dogs a few days ago and it's the shit! Really, really good music. ;D

Here's another song from the album: 


See you in the showers, 


Marvel's The Avengers

I went to the cinema today. Alone. 
But that's ok because The Advengers was definitely worth it. :)

For everybody who hasn't heard of this movie (I'm afraid there are some) here's one of the trailers.

The Avengers is the best movie I've seen this year and it's the best Marvel production I know (sorry spidy ;D) .
Yes, it's better than Spider-Man!  Nevertheless Spider-Man is still my favorite superhero ;D

I'm really into superheros lately. I think you can blame Smallville and Iron Man for it.

Soooooo, The Avengers... . What can I say without giving something away? 
The characters are awesome! There's none that I didn't like. I even liked the "bad guy" Loki. ;D 
Before I watched the movie, I thought Iron Man would be my favorite but now I have to say that I'm not sure about that anymore. It's really hard to choose your favorte character 'cause they are all brillant. And well-played. 

I mean Captain America is a bit of alright as well ;D

The Avengers has also some funny parts and jokes in it and there isn't any second which is boring, so go see it! ;D

See you in the showers, 

P.S.: Don't forget to tell me you're opinion on what kind of body modification I should get next. The survey is over there on the right side. ;D  ---->


What should I get next? Tattoo vs. piercing

hey guys :) 

My written exams are over and I worked really hard for it. So now I'd like to make myself a little "present" ;D
I'm really in the mood of changing something of my body. I want something new. :)
Sooo, there are some options I'd like to tell you. 
The problem is that I can't decide what I should get. A piercing? A tattoo? I'm not sure and therefore I need your help ;D 

First of all I want to show you the piercings I already have:

1) Tragus piercing
2) Industrial piercing

As you can see I've got some problems with scarring. ._. 
I do my best to reduce the scarring but it doesn't work. sucks ass.

Ok, so here are the 4 possible options: 

1. Piercing:  Rook

2. Tattoo:
The Tattoo I want to get is a little music note right behind my ear. I want it for a few years now. :)

3. Stretched earlobes
I love the way a stretched earlobe looks. It's another body modification I want to get for a few years now but I haven't been brave enough to get my earlobes stretched so far. :/
I think my mom is the biggest reason for it. She always told me that I would regret doing it a few year later. But to be honest I regret not stretching my earlobes! I should have done it 2 years ago. Because now almost everybody has stretched ears. It's nothing speaciel anymore. 
The size I want to get right now is 7 mm. 

 4. Undercut / Sidecut
 I know it doesn't really fit to rest but I love the idea of getting one. Not yet but in 2 month or something because I don't wanna have it on my prom ;D

I think my mom would kill me for every one of them (except for the piercing maybe ;D ).
So now it's your turn to tell me which you think is the best of the four. 

I'll put a survey on the right side of my blog, so you can vote for your favorite :) 
I'm happy about every single vote. (I wonder if anybody will vote xD) 

See you in the showers, 


Because I'm bored and I love tv shows ;D

Pick Five Shows Before Reading the Questions.

1. Smallville
2. Lost
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Scrubs
5. Desperate Housewives

1. Who is your favorite character in 2?
Jack Shephard

2. Who is your favorite character in 1?
Lex Luthor

3. What’s your favorite episode of 4?
uuhmm, can't tell.  I like the one where J.D. and Elliot are a couple for the first time. It's the 15th episode of the first season, called My Bed Banter & Beyond.

4. What is your favorite season of 5?
the second

5. What’s your favorite relationship in 3?
Meredith & Derek

6. Who is your anti-relationship in 2?
Kate & Sawyer

7. How long have you watched 1?
I started watching Smallville in 2003. But I stopped watching it at season 5. So last year I decided to watch it again and now I'm at the fourth season. ;D

8. How did you become interested in 3?
My mom and I watched the last episode of the first season because there was nothing better on tv. 
Thank god there was nothing better ;D

9. Who is your favorite actor in 4?
That's hard. They're all amazing but I have to go with Zach Braff

10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2, or 5?
Noooooo, I can't choose between Smallville and Lost!
Oh my gosh. Ok, right now it's Smallville 
Woow it hurted to write this xD 

11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
1 Lost 

12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
I'd be Elliot :D 

13. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
nooooooo really not xD

14. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Lex and Chloe? woow that would be strange xD

15. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
 3 Grey's Anatomy

16. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
Well, Smallville has the best music by far but I have to choose between Lost and Scrubs, soooo I go with Scrubs.

That was fun! :)

See you in the showers, 


Angels & Airwaves signing session & concert !

sorry guys, but I wrote this post in german.  I had to write down my thoughts and impressions as long as they are in my head. And the easiest and fastest way to do this is in german. ;D
I'll do my best to translate it into english later on. :)

Soooo, ich war also in Köln.
was für ein grandioser tag! :D

Also, fangen wir mal ganz von vorne an:
Ich hab am Sonntag (ein tag bevor ich nach Köln gefahren bin) noch zufällig erfahren, dass die Band vor dem Konzert eine Autogrammstunde im Saturn gibt. Gott sei dank hab ich das noch mitbekommen, sonst hätte mich es echt extrem angekotzt, wenn ich die verpasst hätte.

Die Autogrammstunde ging von 17:30 - 18:30. und das konzert fing um 20 Uhr an. Ich war dann um halb 4 im Saturn und hab mich in die warteschlange gestellt (waren vll um die 30 leute vor mir). Ich idiot hab mich natürlich gleich mal ans falsche Ende der Schlange gesetzt, also an den Anfang und hab mich gewundert warum mich alle so böse angucken haha xD
Habs dann aber zum Glück auch noch mitgekreigt, dass ich falsch bin xD

Mit 30 Minütiger verspätung kamen AVA dann vorbei. :)
Ich dachte ich krieg nen Herzinfarkt wenn ich vor Tom stehe, aber sobald ich vor ihm stand war ich komplett entspannt. :)
Tom war auch voll nett, hat kurz mit mir geplaudert (das übliche halt, wies geht usw.) und hat ohne eine Miene zu verziehen meine blink karte signiert :D. Ich hab ihm dann noch meine AVA autogrammkarte gegeben, auf die ich die anderen auch unterschreiben lassen hab. Alle total nett, nur der Gitarrist David Kennedy hat etwas grimmig auf mein blink oberteil gestarrt als ich vor ihm stand xD
Fotos mit der band waren leider verboten. der manager stand auch schön als Aufpasser danaben.
Ich hab dann halt schnell kurz bevor ich an der Reihe war ein foto gemacht, is leider nicht die beste qualität (scheiß Handy) und etwas verwackelt  :D :

Was mir auch aufgefallen ist, ist dass Tom voll riesig is. 0o Also ich wusste schon vorher, dass er über 1,90 m groß ist, aber als er dann in Person vor mir saß und stand war ich echt überrascht. Aber ich muss sagen, die Größe steht ihm sehr gut ;D
Hier sind noch meine 2 Autogrammkarten: 

Danach gings dann auch gleich zu der Halle. Beim warten auf die Autogrammstunde hab ich n paar nette leute kennen gelernt, die mich dann auch gleich mit dem Auo zur Halle mitgenommen haben. :D

Die Vorband "Le Blurr" war etwas naja. strange xD der erste song war ganz gut, aber der rest hat mir echt nicht gefallen. Die bewegungen des sängers waren allerdings sehr amüsant und unterhaltsam. ;D

Um 9 kamen AVA dann auf die bühne und ich muss sagen, es war echt ein super Konzert! Tom's gesang war sehr gut, um welten besser als ich erwartet hab :D . Wobei sein mikro etwas zu leise eingestellt war, im vergleich zu den Instrumenten. Die Laserschow war auch richtig gut.
Obwohl ich erst ne halbe stunde vor einlass bei der Halle war, stand ich nach den ersten 3 oder 4 songs in der 2. reihe, dank pogokreis :D. Es ging ganz schön in der Menge ab (waren wohl die blink fans ), mehr als ich gedacht hab. N paar Crowdsurfer waren auch dabei :D.
Gegen Ende des Konzerts sind alle bis auf Tom dann von der bühne gegangen und Tom hat alleine "There Is" von Box Car Racer gespielt. Das war echt eines der Highlights des Konzertes. Auffällig war auch wie sich Tom verändert hat, als die andern von der bühne waren. Er is richtig aufgeblüht, hat erzählt und rumgealbert. Hat sehr stark an den Tom erinnert, der als mit blink tourt ;D

Nach dem konzert hab ich mir dann n tourshirt geholt und bin zur S-bahnhaltestelle geloffen um zum Hauptbahnhof zu fahren.
An der Haltestelle bin ich dann auf 3 Typen getroffen, die auch beim Konzert waren und hab mich mit denen unterhalten. Die waren echt hammer drauf xD. Aber vor lauter gerede hab ich dann vergessen ne fahrkarte zu kaufen (ok ich glaub ich hätte sonst auch nicht drangedacht, ich war zu "geflashed" vom konzert xD). Und bei meinem Glück kam nachts um halb 12 natürlich ein fahrkartenkontrolleur haha xD Ich bin grad mal 3 Minuten insgesamt gefahren, wie groß isn da die wahrscheinlichkeit, dass man da erwischt wird? xD
Naja egal, dann schön ausgestiegen und personalien aufgenommen. Die 3 Typen die ich an der Haltestelle kennen gelernt hab, haben dann noch ewig mit dem Kontroleur rumgeschritten wegen mir, es ging sogar so weit, dass er die Polizei rufen wollte xD Ich hab ihm dann erzählt, dass ich dachte die Konzertkarte würde als Fahrkarte gelden, aber er hats mir nicht geglaubt ^^
Jetzt sind halt 40 Euro fällig, aber ich habs schon reklamiert und nochmal geschrieben, dass ich dachte, dass das mit der Konzertkarte geht. Mal gucken was jetzt passiert xD

Unglaublich was ich an dem einen Tag alles erlebt hab und die 40 Eur Strafe wars auch wert!

See you in the showers, 



guuuuuuuuuyyyys, I can't believe it but my written exams are finally over! No more studying for fucking economics! 
Now I can spend my time on whatever I want. FREEDOM! xD 

And here's the result of me studying for weeks: 

Thanks to school I'm kinda addicted to ernergy-drinks now. ;D

See you in the showers, 


And so it beginns....

Well, weeks have passed and now my written exams are just around the corner. Tomorrow I'll have the first one. German. 
I'm not really nervous yet. But I'm sure that this will change soon. ._.

Here the days I'll have my written exams:

next week: 
Monday - German
Wednesday - English
Friday - Math

the week after next:
Monday - Economics

I think Economics will be the hardest by far. There's so much I have to know.

I'm so glad when this fucking exams are finally over. The last weeks have been horrible. I don't even know how it feels to have nothing to do, anymore. It feels like my brain is going to explode. 

But the time after the exams will be awesome! There's so much I want to do :) 

Sooooo pleeeaaase wish me luck ;D 

See you in the showers, 


It's Young Heezy's Birthday!

Today is an important day. It's the birthday of my favorite bassist , Mark Hoppus: 

I just wanna say "Happy Birthday" and thank you for all the great music and all the times you made me laugh. :) 

Happy Birthday Mark Hoppus! ♥

See you in the showers, 


Lonely Girl

I can remember the very first time I cried
How I wiped my eyes and buried the pain inside
All of my memories - good and bad - that's passed
Didn't even take the time to realize
Starin' at the cracks in the walls
Cuz I'm waiting for it all to come to an end
Still I curl up right under the bed
Cuz its takin' over my head all over again

Do you even know who you are?
I guess I'm tryin' to find
A borrowed dream or a superstar?
I want to be a star
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?

Lyin' awake watchin' the sunlight
How the birds will sing as I count the rings
around my eyes
Constantly pushing the world I know aside
I don't even feel the pain, I don't even want to

I'm lookin' for a way to become
The person that I dreamt up when I was sixteen
Oh, nothin' is ever enough
Ooh, baby, it ain't enough or what it may seem

Do you even know who you are?
I'm still tryin' to find
A borrowed dream or a superstar?
Everybody wants to be
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?

Sorry girl, tell a tale for me
Cuz I'm wondering how you really feel
I'm a lonely girl, I'll tell a tale for you
Cuz I'm just tryin' to make all my dreams come

Do you even know who you are?
Oh, yeah, yeah
A borrowed dream or a superstar?
Oh, I wanted to be a star
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell, I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?
I guess not, oh I guess not
Do you even know who you are?
Oh, I'm tryin' to find
A rising dream or falling star?
Oh, I have a all these dreams
Is life good to you or is it bad?
I can't tell anymore
Do you even know what you have?
No, no
Do you even know who you are?
A rising dream or a falling star?
Is life good to you or is it bad?

See you in the showers, 



Happy Birthday Johnny Knoxville! 

Thank you for making me laugh like no other does. ♥

See you in the showers, 


Cross what you have done/true.

  • I have/had piercings besides the ears.
  • I want piercings besides the ears.
  • I have some scars.
  • I tan easily.
  • I wish my hair was a different color.
  • I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
  • I have a tattoo.
  • I can be self-conscious about my appearance.
  • I have/had braces.
  • I have more than two piercings. 
  • Disney movies still make me cry sometimes.
  • I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.
  • I’ve glued my hand to something.
  • I’ve laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose
  • I’ve had my pants rip in public.
  • I’ve touched something sharp/hot/etc to see if it would hurt.
  • I’ve gotten stitches.
  • I’ve broken or dislocated a bone.
  • I’ve had my tonsils removed.
  • I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
  • I’ve had chicken pox
    • I’ve been to Florida.
    • I’ve driven/ridden over 200 kilometres in one day.
    • I’ve been on a plane.
    • I’ve been to California.
    • I’ve been to Asia.
    • I’ve been to Niagara Falls.
    • I’ve been to Vanuatu or the Mystery Islands.
    • I’ve been to the Caribbean.
    • I’ve been to Europe.
    • I’ve gotten lost in my city.
    • I’ve seen a shooting star.
    • I’ve wished on a shooting star.
    • I’ve seen a meteor shower.
    • I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.
    • I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
    • I’ve slapped someone.
    • I’ve kissed someone underwater.
    • I’ve chugged something.
    • I’ve crashed a car.
    • I’ve been skiing.
    • I’ve been in a musical.
    • I’ve auditioned for something.
    • I’ve been on stage.
    • I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue.
    • I’ve sat on a rooftop at night.
    • I’ve pranked someone.
    • I’ve ridden in a taxi.
    Honesty / Crime
    • I’ve been threatened to be arrested.
    • I’ve broken a law.
    • I’ve done something I promised someone I wouldn’t.
    • I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.
    • I’ve snuck out.
    • I’ve lied about my whereabouts.
    • I’ve cheated while playing a game.
    • I’ve been in a fist fight.
    • I’m afraid of dying.
    • I hate funerals.
    • I’ve seen someone/something die.
    • Someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide.
    • I have attempted suicide.
    • I’ve written a eulogy for myself.
    • I own over 5 rap CD’s.
    • I’m obsessed with anime/manga.
    • I collected comic books.
    • I own a lot of makeup.
    • I own something from Pac Sun.
    • I own something from The Gap.
    • I own something I got on E-Bay.
    • I own something from Abercrombie.
    • I thrive on compliments.
    • I thrive on hate.
    • I can sing low key.
    • I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
    • I open up to others easily.
    • I watch the news occasionally or always.
    • I don’t like to kill bugs.
    • I sing in the shower
    • I’m a morning person.
    • I’m a sports fanatic.
    • I twirl my hair.
    • I care about grammar.
    • I love to spam friends.
    • I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day.
    • I bake well.
    • My favourite colour is either white, yellow, pink, blue, red, black, purple, or orange.
    • I would wear pajamas to school.
    • I like Martha Stewart.
    • I laugh at my own jokes.
    • I eat fast food weekly.
    • I’ve not turned something in and still got an A in a certain class.
    • I can’t sleep if there’s a spider in the room.
    • I’m really ticklish.
    • I like white chocolate.
    • I bite/used to bite my nails.
    • I’m good at remembering names.
    • I’m good at remembering dates.
    • I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
    • ..used to ask if I was anorexic/bulimic.
    • ..called me fat.
    • ..have said I’m skinny.
    • ..have said I’m ugly.
    • ..have said I’m pretty.
    • ..have spread rumors about me.
    • ..force me to eat.
    • ..say I eat too much.
    • ..say I eat too little.
    • I’ve lost weight.
    • I’ve gained weight.
    • I’m at my thinnest.
    • I’m at my biggest.
    • I’ve lost weight and kept it off.
    • I’ve lost weight, but gained it back.
    • My weight affects my mood. 
    • I diet.
    • I’m vegan/vegetarian.
    • I exercise.
    • I’ve fainted from exhaustion.
    • I’ve sworn at my parents.
    • I’ve planned to run away from home before.
    • I’ve run away from home.
    • I have a sibling less than one year old.
    • I want kids in the future.
    • I’ve had kids.
    • I’ve lost a child.
    • I’m engaged.
    • I’m married.
    • I’m single. 
    • I’ve gone on a blind date.
    • I have/had a friend with benefits.
    • I miss someone right now.
    • I have a fear of abandonment.
    • I’ve gotten divorced.
    • I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back probably.
    • Someone has/had feelings for me when I didn’t have them back.
    • I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
    • I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
    • I’m a cuddler.
    • I’ve been kissed in the rain.
    • I’ve hugged a stranger.
    • I’ve kissed a stranger.
    Bad times
    • I regularly drink.
    • I can’t swallow pills
    • I can swallow numerous pills at a time without difficulty.
    • I’ve been diagnosed with depression at some point.
    • I have/had anxiety problems.
    • I shut others out when I’m upset.
    • I don’t have anyone to talk to when I’m upset about something personal.
    •  have taken/take anti-depressants.
    • I’ve slept an entire day before.
    • I’ve plotted revenge.

    *stolen from tumblr.

    See you in the showers, 


    "My body is perfect"

    stolen from tumblr

    Can I please hug the person who wrote this? It's amazing. 

    See you in the showers, 


    Happy Birthday to ...

    Today is the 17th of February and I hope every one of you knows what that means. :)

    Happy Birthday to the man, who's the reason why I started playing guitar. 

    Happy Birthday to the man, who made me love tattoos.

    Happy Birthday to one of the best songwriters.

    Happy Birthday to the person, which influenced me like no other.  

    Happy Birthday to my favorite guitar player.

    Happy Birthday to Billie Joe Armstrong!

    He will always have a special place in my heart. ♥

    See you in the showers, 


    What have I become, my sweetest friend?

    Just found one of my favorite scenes from Smallville on Youtube. 

    click on the picture or here

    Johnny Cash's Hurt is such an wonderful song and it fits perfectly into the scene. 
    This scene makes me tear up every time I watch it. It's a very emotional thing. 
    Especially because Lex Luthor is my favorite character (yes I like the bad guy ;P)  and it's horrible to see him suffer like this. ._.

    By the way, Michael Rosenbaum is an awesome actor isn't he? :D 
    Damn I love this show. :)

    See you in the showers, 


    Hero of the day : Dave England

    Today was a shitty day. I had ( and still have) to study economics and I'm just such an unmotivated and lazy piece of shit. It's unbelievable ._:  All I wanna do is sit around, watch Smallville or listen to some music. And sleep A LOT.

    However. I don't wanna write about school. I'm here to tell you about the highlight of my day :D 

    Dave England answered me on twitter! 

    Awesome, isn't it? :D It definetly made my day. 

    I asked  him about a fourth jackass movie because there are rumors that the guys are planning to make another movie. And I'm pretty sceptical about it . I think it's too early to make another one. I mean Ryan's death was 7 months ago.

    So here it is:

    Ok, now I don't know more  than I did before, but who cares? Dave answered me and taht's all that counts :D  To be honest I haven't expected a precise answer either. ;D

    So thank you Dave for making today a better day :)

    See you in the showers, 

    P.S. now I'm going to watch some jackass, fuck yeah ! xD



    (stolen from tumblr)

    It's not getting better. All I can do is hope that music will safe me again. 

    See you in the showers, 




    I feel like posting something but I have no clue what to write. 
    There's a lot homework to do and stuff to study but I can't. I'm just too tired. Tired of school. Tired of this whole current situation. 
    All I wanna do right now is sleep. Not only a bunch of hours but a few days.

    See you in the showers, 


    Hey Guys

    Believe me or not: I'm still alive ;D. 
    There was a lot of stuff going on lately so I didn't have the time (and motivation) to write anything on this blog. But now I'm back and I'll try to post as much as I did before. ;D

    sooooo let's see what happened since my last blog entry: 

    1. Let's begin with the most important thing: I finally got my driving license. fuck yeah :D  I passed my driving test on thursday last week. :)

    2. blink-182 had their 20th anniversary on the 3rd of january. And to celebrate this awesome day I listened to their music all day long :)

    3. I started (re-)watching  Smallville again. I already watched it in 2003 when it was aired on german tv for the first time and I loved it. :)  But I only made it to the 3. or  4. season. I have no idea why I stopped watching it. It was definitely a bad decision ;D. 
    The next episode I'm gonna watch is 2x17 (17th episode of season 2).

    For everybody who doesn't know Smallville, here's a trailer

    Smallville tells the story of Clark Kent alias Superman. ;)

    what else .....uuuuuuhhhm.... I know!

    4. There's a new "Green Day Video".

    "American clothing designer, John Varvatos and Green Day have teamed up for Varvatos' latest clothing collection. Varvatos is famous for collaborating with different bands and coming up with some unique clothing collections. The band and Varvatos got together recently in New York City".
    I think it looks kinda cool. :D

    okay that's enough for today. I'm pretty sure that i forgot something but it's late ( almost 3 am) and I'm tired.  So good night everyone! ;D

    See you in the showers, 

    P.S: I know it's kinda late (okay it is really late xD) but: a happy new year everybody! ;D